Vishaka Natchathiram Palangal 2023 for Thula Rasi and Viruchigam Rasi born people. These predictions are based on Tamil astrology. As per Vishaka natchathiram palan, Vishaka Nakshatra pada 1 born Tula Rasi people will need to be careful while using a vehicle and on travel. Vishakha Nakshatra padam 2 Tula Rashi born people will face job loss or trouble in the career. Vishakha Nakshatra pada 3 Tula Rashi born might face relationship issues. Vishakha nakshatra padam 4 Viruchigam Rashi born people might face money-related issues. Good months are February, March, June, July, August and October 2023. January, April, and December 2023 are bad months. May and November 2023 will be a stagnant period with no progress.
Some people will feel they are not getting enough opportunity in the current profession and might opt for a better one or take up studies. Some will get promotion and transfers to their desired spot. There will a sudden problem in the career which you might have expected. If you feel something is going to be wrong in career, then you need to start working at the earliest to face the situation.
Those looking for new job will make a mess of things due to fear or overconfidence. You need to keep your calm and composure this year. Believe in your hard work and not on luck and other things.
Business people will get the opportunity to lead a good team and achieve goals. There will be minor skirmishes at the workplace which might destroy peace. Some will get the opportunity to settle in your hometown and start a new business.
There will be no major worries in the financial front. Some of you will get the opportunity to invest and move into a new home. An unrecoverable debt will be recovered by this year-end. Some of you will get ancestral wealth. Chances of theft or loss of wealth due to negligence is a possibility. There will be gains from property deals.
After some initial delays, children will get the opportunity to study for good professional courses. Students will do good in competitive exams. You will play the role of mediator in family issues. Some of you will need to show flexibility to have a peaceful and incident-free family life.
Some of you might face machine or vehicle-related injuries. Chances of accidents are high in this year. There will be trouble related to stomach or leg.
Those looking to get married in this year might face some initial hiccups. Some of you will find a good and ideal partner. Romance and love related matters will result in heartbreak.
Travels will give good results. You need to be extremely careful while traveling.