Shravana Nakshatra 2023 predictions are based on Hindu astrology – Makar Rashi. Shravana Nakshatra pada 1 born Makar Rashi people people will make good friendship or find an ideal partner. Shravana Nakshatra pada 2 Makar Rashi born people will face financial damage through property or vehicle. Shravana Nakshatra pada 3 Makar Rashi born will turn spiritual after a life-changing incident. Shravana nakshatra pada 4 Makar Rashi born people will see relatives or friends ditching you when you need them the most. Good months are January, August, September and December 2023. March, April, July, October and November 2023 are bad months. February, May, and June 2023 will be stagnant period with not much gain.
Professionals will be able to complete jobs within the stipulated time. Business people and professionals will be implementing new ideas with good results. Goals will be achieved through hard work. There will be increase in business volume and profit. At the workplace, you will get opportunity to display your talent. Keep a low profile at the workplace and stay away from office politics. Those working abroad might decide to return back home but only to go back again.
Some of you will be starting a second job as an additional source of income. There will be approval of government related projects. Loans will be approved. Those looking to start the construction of a new home will face some initial troubles. There will be loss from speculation and stock markets. It is a good year to invest in property. Debts given will be hard to recover. You will find about a financial irregularity.
Some people whom you have helped will not be thankful. There will be happy news in the family. You will rethink about your priorities and might give up some relationships. A secret of yours will cause damage. You will get opportunity to display your talent or hobby. You will hear about suicide of a friend or family member and this will make you rethink your plans.
Students will work with renewed vigor. There will be positive news regarding admission.
There will be some hereditary health trouble causing some hospital visits. You will change your lifestyle to overcome a recently diagnosed disease.
Marriage plans will be held by year-end after some disappointments. Not a great year for those looking for second marriage. Those facing problems in married life will take professional help.
You need to be careful while traveling. Chance of accidents or cheating is high. Some of you will be undertaking visits to tourist spots with friends and relatives.