Purvashada Nakshatra 2023 predictions are based on Hindu astrology – Dhanu Rashi. Purvashada Nakshatra pada 1 born Dhanu Rashi people might face trouble from colleagues and friends. Purvashada Nakshatra pada 2 Dhanu Rashi born people will be forced to rethink priorities due to some negative development. Purvashada Nakshatra pada 3 Dhanu Rashi born will be lucky in matters related to love and finance. Purvashada nakshatra pada 4 Dhanu Rashi born people will face serious workplace related problems. Good months are March, June, August and November 2023. January, April, July and December 2023 are bad months. February, May, September and October 2023 will be stagnant period with not much gain.
Purvashada nakshatra people will be forced to adjust to fluctuating fortune in 2023. Discipline and hard work will help professionals overcome competition at the workplace. Business people and freelancers will do well. A new project will be completed successfully and to your contentment. Superiors will be of great help. Some of you will be given additional responsibilities at the workplace. There will be increase in income and promotion for some. Some of you might face problems at workplace due to new technology and change of management. It is a not a favorable year for those looking for a new job.
Financial status will improve. There will be success in lucky draws and lotteries. There will be good gains from property deals. You will be solving an outstanding property and financial dispute this year. There will be financial gains from short term investments. Loss of important documents is a possibility. You will face theft or loss of valuables. You will decide instill financial discipline in house after mishandling of money by family members.
Students will be concentrating more on studies and will show a genuine concern about future. Students will also get opportunity to join a desire course in a desired institute.
Romance and love might end in fights and tragedy. Some of you will go spiritual. Some old issues at home will be sorted out. Those facing problems in married life will decide to end it. A secret of yours will be made public by someone you trusted.
There will be some hospital visits and surgery for some.
There will be couple of travels to distant places. Those looking to travel abroad will face delays.
There will be unexpected delay in marriage related matters. The last few months of the year is ideal for those interested in second marriage. Not a great year for those looking to remarry.