Purva Phalguni Nakshatra 2023 predictions are based on Hindu astrology – Simha Rashi. Purva Phalguni Nakshatra pada 1 born Simha Rashi people will face job loss and financial problems. Purva Phalguni Nakshatra pada 2 Simha Rashi born people will face minor health issues and some relationship issues. Purva Phalguni Nakshatra pada 3 born will decide to quit job and start business or get self employed. Purva Phalguni nakshatra pada 4 Simha Rashi born people will face legal issues and government related problems. Good months are January, March, August, September and November 2023. February, April, October and December 2023 are bad months. May, June and July 2023 will be stagnant period with not much gain.
For people born under Purva Phalguni Nakshatra, 2023 will be a mixed year with some negative developments but some of them can be turned into positive if you muster courage, strength and willingness to hard work. Business people will make gains from partnerships. New plans will be drawn and implemented. There will be gains for self employed and freelancers. Professionals will be appreciated for their good work. There will be some trouble during the end of the year at workplace.
Financially there will be good gains during the second quarter of the year. Some of you will able to settle old debts. Initial plans for a home will be made. There will be monetary gains from property deals. There will be financial help from government related matters. You can expect good gains from long-term investments made in this year.
Marriage will be fixed for those who are single and looking. Those looking to get married again (second marriage) this year will face lot of problems.
There will be some trouble for parents. There will peace and progress in the family during the middle part of the year. Some of you will be making friendship with famous people. Romance and love matters will cause problems. A secret of yours will be revealed. You might become a victim of gossip or scandal. Intense emotions and stress will result in negative thoughts like suicide. You will try to find solace in alcohol or other similar substances.
Students might change their current course and join new one.
There will be some serious health troubles during this year especially to nerves or hands or legs. You might face health issues of an immediate family member.
There will be lessons and gains from journey. Those looking to travel abroad will hear good news.