Kettai Natchathiram Palangal 2023 for Viruchigam Rasi born people. These predictions are based on Tamil astrology. As per Kettai Natchathiram palan, Kettai Natchathiram pada 1 born Vrischika Rashi born people will face health issues in 2023. Kettai Natchathiram pada 2 Viruchigam Rashi born people will have to be careful as to not to get cheated in career and money matters. Kettai Natchathiram padam 3 Viruchigam Rashi born will have to deal will sudden career problems or job loss. Kettai Natchathiram padam 4 Viruchigam Rashi born people might face sudden financial loss and problems in business or career. Good months are February, April, September and October 2023. March, July, August, and December 2023 are bad months. January, May, June, and November 2023 will be a stagnant period with no progress.
For people born in Kettai Natchathiram, 2023 is a tough year with some major issues cropping up in the financial arena and career matters. There will be overseas job opportunities for some. There will some trouble at the workplace during the course of the year. Professionals will need to work hard to achieve goals. The advice of senior members and colleagues should not be taken lightly.
Those looking for a new job might face with disappointment, as they are not qualified to face the changing environment. Keeping learning that which is relevant is the mantra this year.
Business people will see gains from new expansion. Some of the projects that you had started earlier will start yielding results.
Financially this will be a tough year with some unexpected expenses. You will be forced to take debts. Some of you will be selling some properties. Old savings will be of great help. There will be financial help from family members. An additional source of income might stop. There will be gains from stocks and other short-term investments.
There will be some trouble with family members during the first few months. A secret habit or relationship will get you into trouble in this year. Avoid taking sides in family disputes. Spouse will be of great help.
There will be some health trouble especially those health issues that have been creating some minor problems for some time might cause some big trouble. There is a chance of serious accidents in this year.
Students will perform well during the second and third quarter. There will disappointments in matters related to higher studies. Those students willing to drop traditional subjects and are willing to adapt to modern needs will find success.
Travels will be hectic and dangerous. Avoid night journey.
Marriage plans will be delayed due to family pressure. Those in a romantic relationship will decide to make the relationship public and formal. It is not a favorable period for those looking to get married again.
The sudden death of a friend or family member will come as a great shock to you.