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Dreaming Of My Ex Boyfriend Calling Me – Meaning

Dreaming of my ex boyfriend calling me is a warning sign as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means you will see the return of an old problem that you thought was over. It also means someone will try to irritate you in the name of an old incident or relationship in near future. Dreams of my ex boyfriend calling me and you wake up angry or terrified means you can expect some problems in present due to something you had done in the past.

Dream of ex boyfriend calling me and you are ignoring it means you will show courage to overcome a problem. It also means you will decide to put an end to something that is not giving you peace and happiness.

Dreams of ex boyfriend calling me and you are happy means you will have a wish of yours fulfilled especially related to relationships. The dream also means your ex boyfriend will realize your value.

Dreaming of ex boyfriend calling me and you see other people in the dream means family members or friends will come to know about a secret of yours.