Ayilyam Natchathiram Palangal 2023 for Karkataka or Karka Rashi born people. These predictions are based on Tamil astrology. As per Ayilyam natchathiram palan, Ayilyam Natchathiram pada 1 born Karkataka Rashi born people will face accidents and career issue in 2023. Ayilyam Natchathiram pada 2 Karkataka Rashi born people might face relationship issues and emotional turmoil. Ayilyam Natchathiram pada 3 born will be lucky with new job search. Self-employed professionals will do good. Ayilyam Natchathiram pada 4 Karkataka Rasi born people will get opportunity to travel to distant places. Good months are January, March, July, October and November 2023. February, May, August and December 2023 are bad months. April, June and September 2023 will be stagnant period with not much gain.
There will be some
unexpected disappointments especially on the professional level. Those looking
for new jobs should avoid being overconfident. There will be good opportunities
during the middle part of the year. Some of you will feel that the results do
not match the effort that you had put in. Writers and those in medical
profession will have a good year.
At the workplace, avoid
taking harsh decisions. Try to keep a cool mind – things will improve soon.
Professionals should avoid taking risk. They should also try to keep out people
who tempt to indulge in corrupt practices. There will be help from people in
high positions. Business people will have a stagnant period. Expansion plans
will move ahead smoothly. There will be some account related troubles for some.
Gains from year end for many.
There will be no major
financial worries but also do not expect any huge gains. Some of you will be
spending on spiritual matters. Gains from stock markets will not be up to your
expectations. Property deals done in this year will be of great help in future.
Avoid unwanted display of wealth in public. Some of you will face vehicle
related losses. Relatives will disappoint you regarding financial matters.
There will be some
arguments in the family. Take your decisions with a calm mind. Family will be
participating in religious matters. Children might cause some trouble. There
will be some delay in marriage plans for those who are single and looking. If
you are looking to remarry then this is a good year. Unwanted relationships
will be exposed and this will result in trouble.
Some of you will
be kept down by health related issues. You can expect health issues or
accidents due to fire or iron. Travel plans will be smooth.
Students will face some
unexpected delays. There will be problems in exam results.