Nalladikshita, also known as Nallasudhi, Nallakavi, Nallabudha and Bhuminatha, was a Advaita scholar of 18th century CE. Nalla Dikshita was the son of Balacandra Deekshita and a native of Kandaramanikkam village in Tamilnadu. He studied under Sadasivabrahmendra, Ramabahdradikshita and Vaidyanathadikshita and was a contemporary of Sridharavenkatesa Shastri and Ramachandra Makhin.
Advaitarasamanjari of Nalladikshita, containing forty five verses in simple Sanskrit, is an Advaita treatise well known for its witty examples and profundity of expression. The author himself has written a commentary on this text called Parimala. He describes his composition as a sweet pill of immortality to help digest the difficult implications of the Upanishads, which are a bitter but sure remedy for the problem of suffering in the form of samsara.
In the introductory verse of Advaita Rasamanjari, Nalladikshita shows that even the distinctly different parts of the body of Ganesha, the head of the elephant and human body, have come together to depict the path of Advaita. He prays to Ganesha to unravel the truth of non-dualism which is manifested in his body formation.
While describing the state of liberation, he says that one who has experienced the illusory nature of the world is not lured by its splendor, just a passionate young man is not drawn by the adulation of a boy acting as the heroine on a drama stage. The liberated one is untouched by worldly illusions and may prefer to go into mystic trance because of force of habit, as there is nothing for him to attain. In this he is like an emperor who has all that he could wish for but still plays of chess, just to while away his time and because of force of habit.
His other writing are Citta Vrtti Kalyanam, Dharmavijaya Campu, Padamanjari, Jivanmukti Kalyanam, Sringara Sarvasva Bhana and Subhadra Parianayanataka.