Moha is an emotional involvement, attachment as per Hinduism. Sadripu (the six enemies of man) are known as kama (lust), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), moha (delusion or infatuation), mada (intoxication of pride or lust) and matsarya (jealousy). These are six impediments to worldly progress as well as spiritual perfection.
Moha, a form of delusion, is especially harmful and disadvantageous for spiritual attainments. The moha of mind prevents an individual from discerning truth from falsehood; he becomes incapable of discriminating between the eternal and the transitory, the good and the bad. He believes his body to be the biggest truth and the enjoyment of worldly pleasures as the only goal of life. He gets addicted to the gratification of sensual pleasures. Due to delusion, his intellect functions poorly and takes unrighteous things as righteous as it is covered by tamas (darkness). Reverse thought and delusion are outcomes of tamoguna. While discussing the demonic mind in the Bhagavad Gita (16/10-16), Bhagavan Sri Krishna states the effect of moha on mind. The Bhagavad Gita refers to moha in Chapter XVIII. 7, 25 and 60. After the wise counseling of Bhagavan Sri Krishna, Arjuna admits that his moha has faded away and he has regained his memory.
Due to moha, an individual loses his memory. Loss of memory results in destruction of the intellect, and this is as good as death (Bhagavad Gita II. 63). This wrong emotional delusion distracts an individual from the path of eternal bliss and leads him to a momentary and transient happiness of worldly sensual pleasures is never quenched by enjoyment, but only increases.
This moha can be controlled by the company of good people, by reading higher literature and by devotion to God.