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Dreaming Of Nails – Meaning

Dreaming of nails is a good omen as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means you will achieve stability and there will be growth. It also means you will have to throw out certain things for a better tomorrow. Dreams of nails also mean hiding something bad with fake color.

Dream of nails and you are seen in the dream means you can expect some unexpected problems. But there will be opportunity for growth. Certain things in life will outgrow if not trimmed at the appropriate time and it will result serious damage.

Dreaming of nails and you are not seen in the dream means you can expect sudden gains with the help of ancestors.

Dreams of nails and you are biting them means unexpected problems in life resulting in financial loss or embarrassment. It also means you will find it difficult to settle certain nagging problems.

Dream of nails and if they are growing suddenly means you can expect some huge gains in life.