Dreaming of infant baby is a sign of hope and good luck as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means you can expect change of luck. It also means desire fulfillment. Dreams of infant baby also means new member in the family.
Dreaming of infant baby and crying means there will be some kind of unexpected problems in life or you might be thrust with something you hate to do or detest. It also means disturbance and irritation. It is also a sign of lack of sleep in near future.
Dream of infant baby and the infant is playing and laughing is a sign of upcoming positive changes in life. It also means desire fulfillment.
Dream of infant baby by those who are hoping to get pregnant or adopt is a positive signal. The dream is asking you to be positive and to remain determined. It also means you will have your desires regarding children fulfilled.
Here are some more common interpretations of infant baby dream:
1. New Beginnings
- A baby often symbolizes the start of something new. This could be a new project, a new relationship, or a new phase in life. It represents potential and the opportunity for growth and development.
2. Innocence and Vulnerability
- Babies are seen as pure and innocent beings. Dreaming of an infant might reflect your feelings of vulnerability or a desire to return to a simpler, more innocent time in your life.
3. Nurturing and Care
- Dreams about babies can also be connected to feelings of responsibility and the need to care for something or someone. This might indicate that you are in a nurturing role, either literally (e.g., caring for a child) or metaphorically (e.g., nurturing an idea or project).
4. Unresolved Issues
- If the dream involves a distressed or unhappy baby, it could point to unresolved issues or anxieties. The baby might represent a part of yourself that feels neglected or in need of attention.
5. Personal Growth
- A baby in a dream can symbolize your own personal growth. You may be developing new aspects of your personality or discovering new potentials within yourself.
6. Desire for Parenthood
- For those who desire to have children or are considering parenthood, dreaming of a baby can be a manifestation of those thoughts and desires.
7. Fear of Change
- On the flip side, if the baby in the dream evokes fear or anxiety, it could be a sign of fear of change or the unknown. The baby might symbolize a new responsibility or change that you feel unprepared for.