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Thankot Mahalakshmi Temple Nepal

Thankot Mahalakshmi Temple is located at Thankot in Nepal. The shrine is dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi. She is one of the Ashta Matrikas – eight protective Mother deities. The temple has a two level structure. The shrine is famous for its wood work.

A shila murti of Goddess is worshipped in the sanctum.

There is very rare sculpture of Goddess Lakshmi with four heads and ten hands on the central Torana of the temple.

In the month of November a festival is held here dedicated to the Goddess. Newari community carries the chariot of Goddess Mahalakshmi and Ganesh through the streets of Thankot. The participants throw vermilion and sindhur as the procession moves which is accompanied by traditional Nepali music and dance.

The temple is well preserved and daily pujas are held in the shrine.