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Mukhyartha In Hinduism – Primary Meaning Of Word

Mukhyartha is the primary meaning of a word and is obtained from abhidha-shakti (literal power or sense of the word) on the basis of the innate and permanent relationship between the word and its meaning. All schools of thought in Hinduism accept this permanent binary relation between a word and its meaning. The meaning of word in language is permanent, but in a sentence the word normally refers to a particular sense. According to Mimamsakas, the primary meaning is jati (universa); the particular meaning necessary for the word in the sentence is found through lakshana (implication). The early logicians held that the primary meaning of a word is universal and the particular is dependent on the configuration of the sentence.

The neo-logicians held that the primary meaning is jati-visista-vyakti (the particular as qualified by the universal). Grammarians also held that it can be either universal or particular, but in either case it has a sort of permanence.

The Buddhist logician, Dignaga, held that it is the fleeting thing-in-itself (svalakshana) that is perceived, but this cannot be associated with words. It is only the preclusion of all other possible meanings that is meant by the word anyapoha.

The Sphota theory of Bhartrhari held that the sentence vakya sphota (taken as a whole) is sabda, and its meaning is pratibha (an instantaneous flash of insight which is indivisible and comprehensive). Words and their primary meanings are derived by linguistic analysis and have only a value as analytical tools.