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Brahmasutra Teachings On Meditation

Chapter IV of Brahmasutra contains teachings about meditation. The chapter talks about the procedures to be adopted in meditation. Brahmasutra instructs that one should meditate only in the sitting posture. The reason being that concentration is possible only in the sitting posture. When walking or standing, mental concentration is not possible. Likewise, a lying down posture is sure to induce sleep and hence is not recommended for one planning to meditate. Therefore, the best method would be to sit on some support and meditate.

Worship or upasana is in the form of meditation upon the self. This requires a great deal of concentration upon one object, totally uninfluenced by any other thought waves.

The person who is meditating should remain immobile like the earth, heaven or mountain in order to remain in a concentrated frame of mind.

Meditation has to be practiced till one’s death, as it offers the means for the final release of a person from worldly bonds.