Anamangad Mahadevamangalam Vishnu temple is located at Anamangad on Palakkad - Cherpulassery – Perinthalmanna in Malappuram district, Kerala. The temple is dedicated to Maha Vishnu. Anamangad Mahadeva Mangalam Vishnu temple is famous in the region for its annual Srimad Bhagavatha Sapthaha Yajnam.
This is a small temple with an east facing chathura sreekovil. The sanctum sanctorum has a standing murti of Mahavishnu holding lotus, shankh and chakra. There are upa devatas here.
Vishu, Ramayana Masam, Thiruvonam Nakshatra on all months of Malayalam, Ekadashi every fortnight, Ashtami Rohini and Thrikarthika are important festivals in the temple.