Mahodadhi is the ancient and Hindu name for Bay of Bengal. The world famous Puri Jagannath Temple is located on the north of Mahodadhi. It is said that the Darubrahma (the divine log) was first spotted here floating at Bankimuhana near the seacoast. Another belief in Hinduism is that the fossilized hip bone of Sri Krishna which was stuffed into a log and thrown in the Arabian Sea at Dwaraka; it ultimately came floating to Puri. The Mahodadhi at Puri thus assumes great sanctity in Hindu religion and is called Tirtharaja, the holiest of the seas.
Chitropala, Mahanadi, Prachi, Mahendratanaya, and many other sacred rivers of Odisha drain into the Mahadadhi.
Mahodadhi is respected as Narayana in a liquid form. Certain rituals like holy snana (bath), tila tarpana (offering of til seeds), panda dana (oblations to ancestors) and dana (donations) are performed here. On every amavasya (no moon day), the image of Narayana (known as Amavasya Narayana or Uamsathakur) is brought to the beach near Swargadwara from the Srimandir in Puri for a specific ritual.
Pilgrims touch the holy water of the Mahodadhi and offer coins and coconuts as a mark of devotion. Puri is said to be the Pada Gaya. Pilgrims perform valedictory funeral rites here. A number of monasteries, including the Satalahadi Matha, are located here.