The man of true devotion yearns for God without becoming
impatient. Even if he sees no light he will not give up his devotions. Only
those who love God like shopkeepers looking for profit will give up if their
prayers are not answered immediately.
He in whom a longing for God has awakened, let him rise and
struggle. While sitting, or lying down, or eating, let him pray piteously to
His blessed feet: “O Lord, have mercy on me! Allow me to understand your grace!”’
Swami Brahmanandaji once answered the question ‘Is there any
need for a guru?’ by saying, ‘Even a pickpocket needs a guru to learn the art
of picking someone’s pocket and for Brahma-Vidya (Self Knowledge) do you think
that no guru is necessary?’ So, for any subject, you cannot progress without
the learned help from outside.
Struggle, struggle, struggle! That person is lifeless who
does not struggle. The next stage after a joyous acceptance of this struggle is
peace. Struggle to attain the Lord, and make this human birth blessed!
Emphasizing that steadfast adherence to a routine is most
essential for a spiritual life, Swami Brahmananda advises, ‘Make a routine of
everything. “I shall meditate so long, repeat mantram so many times, study for
so much time, and sleep so many hours.” With an irregular life you cannot be
successful in any work.’