Ezhumattoor Panamattathukavu Devi temple is located at Ezhumattoor in Pathanamthitta district, Kerala. The shrine is dedicated to Devi or Bhagavathy. The 7-day annual padayani festival concludes on the Vishu day (Medam 1). The Meena Bharani day in Malayalam Meenam Masam (March – April) is an important festival day in the temple.
The shrine is famous for the padayani festival. The valiya padayani is conducted on Vishu (April 14 or April 15). Tangalum padayum is also performed on vishu. The first day of Padayani is dedicated to choottuvaypu, 2nd day is noted for thappum kaimaniyum, 3rd day is dedicated Ganapathi kolam, fourth day is the noted for panchakolam, Adavi is on the 5th day, 6th day it is Ida Padayani and the Vishu Padayani is on the 7th day.
Numerous Kalankolam are
performed here during the annual padayani period as offering by devotees.
Ezhumattoor Panamattathukavu Devi temple is a small shrine with a chathura sreekovil. There are no major structures in this shrine. The devi worshipped in the temple is very old. There is a namaskara mandapam, shrines of upa devatas and small chuttambalam.