Ponnaramthottam Devi temple is located at Ponnaram Thottam in Mavelikara town in Alappuzha district, Kerala. The shrine is dedicated to Goddess Bhagavathy or Devi. The annual Pathamudayam festival, which falls on the 10th day of Meda Masam (April 23), is an important day in the temple.
This is a typical Kerala style temple with a nalambalam, namaskara mandapam, west facing chathura sreekovil and shrines of upa devatas.
The temple observes its annual festival with various Tantric pujas and rituals. Melam, Jeevitha ezhunnallathu, performing temple art forms, lamps, and procession are part of the annual festival. Kettukazhcha is a major highlight of the annual festival.
The temple also observes Navratri and Thrikarthika festival.