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Grace Of God In Hinduism – Ishvara Anugraha

Ishvara Anugraha in Hinduism means the grace of God. Isvaranugraha is a compound of Ishvara meaning God, anugraha, meaning grace or kindness. This seeker of god’s has to do sadhana (practice) involving the body, mind, and spirit. A person who has done sadhana is called a sadhaka and he is said to have attained god through his devotion. The main aim of devotion is complete surrender to God, according to this concept.

Karma theory holds that human beings are in the bondage of birth and death and the kind of life that falls to one’s lot (happiness, sorrow, etc) is decided by the actions done in one’s earlier life. Those actions and the fruits thereof are enjoyed by the individual and he can attain the stage of freedom only by renunciation in action. The bondage can be destroyed neither by weapons, nor by wind, nor by fire, nor by various types of actions. Without the discriminating knowledge (between the real and unreal etc.), he cannot get liberation from bondage. This viveka (discriminating knowledge) is like a sword which removes ignorance but is possible only by the grace of God.

The grace of god, as devotees see it, is incomparable. In the philosophy of Sri Ramanuja, God is called by the name of Brahman, Narayana, Ishwara, Bhagavan, Purushottama, Vishnu etc. His attributes, known as kalyana gunas, are auspicious and countless. The qualities are manifested in him in relation to finite beings. Out of a number of qualities, the following are important – jnana (knowledge), bala (omnipotence), aishwarya (lordship), shakti (creative power), virya (immutability), tejas (splendor), gambhirya (inestimable grandeur), audarya (generosity) and karunya (compassion). When a devotee has deep faith in God, he develops the devotional attitude that leads to the complete surrender to God. This is known as prapatti. To such devotees Ishwara Anugraha is believed to come automatically.