Chathannoor Vilappuram Anandavilasam Bhagavathi temple is located at Vilappuram – Chathannoor in Kollam district, Kerala. The temple is dedicated to Goddess Durga and Goddess Bhadra. The annual festival in the temple is held in Malayalam Meena Masam (March – April).
This is a typical Kerala Bhagavathy temple with chuttambalam, namaskara mandapam and shrines of upa devatas. The temple has two main deities. The shrine is associated with Sri Narayana Guru.
The annual festival in the temple is famous for colorful procession, ezhunellippu, caparisoned elephants, unique pujas and rituals.
The temple observes Navratri, Lakshadeepam, Thrikarthika and important days associated with Sri Narayana Guru.