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Vithura Mahadeva Temple – Festival

Vithura Mahadeva temple is located at Vithura in Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala. The temple is dedicated to Shiva – Mahadeva and Goddess Bhadrakali. Shivratri festival in Kumbha Masam (February – March) is observed at Vithura Shiva temple.

The shrine is a chathura sreekovil with a Shivling. There is a chuttambalam (recently renovated), namaskara mandapam, kodimaram (flag post) and numerous shrines of Upa Devatas. Goddess Bhadrakali has a separate sanctum sanctorum. Although She is worshiped as Upa Devata but has great importance.

Nagaraja and Nagayakshi, Ganapathy are among the severa upa devatas here.

The annual Shivratri festival is famous for pujas, homams, abhishekam, dhara, and various rare rituals which are only performed on special occasions. Kerala temple folk arts, melam and procession are part of the annual festival.

Mondays, Saturdays, Pradosham, Ramayana Masam, Navratri, Thrikarthika and Thiruvathira are of great importance in the temple.