Poklassery Balabhadra Devi temple is located at Poklassery in Alappuzha district, Kerala. The shrine is dedicated to Goddess Bhagavathi or Devi and the sankalpam is that of Balabhadra.
The Upa Devatas worshipped in the temple are Shiva, Subrahmanya (Muruga) and Ganpati.
A powerful form of Mother Goddess Shakti, who is completely dressed up and in benign form, is worshipped in the square sanctum sanctorum. The temple is classic example of Kerala style temple architecture which is complete with sreekovil, chuttambalam, kalvilakku, bali kallu and kodimaram.
The important festivals observed in the temple Thaipooyam in Makara month, Annual festival, Ramayana Masam, Navratri, and Thrikarthika.