Nagercoil Nagaraja temple is located at Nagercoil in Kanyakumari district, Tamil Nadu. The 10-day Nagercoil Nagaraja Temple festival is held in such a manner that the festival ends with arattu on Ayilyam nakshatra in Makaram month. In 2025, Nagercoil Nagaraja Temple festival is from January 7 to January 16, 2025.
The annual festival is famous for unique temple rituals of Snake temples in Kerala. The rituals and pujas in the temple are performed based on Kerala tantric rites.
The car festival or pulling of the chariot attracts maximum devotees.
The beautifully decorated utsava murtis of Nagaraja, Shiva and Vishnu are taken out in procession during the 10-day period.
The utsava murti of Nagaraja is taken for arattu on the final day of the festival.