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The Three Divisions Of Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad is divided into three Kandas:
  1. Madhu Kanda,
  2. Yajnavalkya Kanda and
  3. Khila Kanda.
Madhu Kanda is divided into two chapters.
The first is further divided into six Brahmanas.
The first Brahmana describes the universe in the form of an Aswa (horse) for Ashwamedha Yajna and its sacrifice as the manifestation of the world.
The second Brahmana deals with the description of Prajapathi as Mruthyu (death) and the manifestation of the world in the form of food for Prajapathi. Prajapathi became the eater and everything he created became food for him.

Yajnavalkya Kanda has two chapters. The first is divided into nine Brahmanas. It tells the story of sage Yajnavalkya.

Khila Kanda has two chapters, the first of which has passages on the Gayatri Mantra. The second is dedicated to Puthrotpathy (progeny).