According to Vedanta philosophy of Hinduism, jiva, whose essential nature is pure changeless consciousness, when associated with an adjunct, superimposes upon himself various attributes such as Karta or doership (kartrtva).
Under the spell of delusion, he becomes conditioned by the body-mind complex and becomes impelled by the ahamkara, which is a knot that brings together the inert body-mind complex and the sentient consciousness. As a result, the man thinks that “I am the doer” whole, a matter of fact, the worldly transaction is nothing but the interplay between the objects of the world, on the one hand, and the sense organs and mind on the other.
Due to this delusory conviction, he sets in motion the transmigratory cycle. Owing to his identification with doership, he has to perforce experience the good and bad effects resulting from his various deeds. Thus doership and enjoyership (bhokrtva) are inextricably linked together. Once the jiba accepts that he is the willful doer, he becomes subjects to injunctions as well as prohibitions and accordingly reaps the positive or negative fruits of his acts.
Even meritorious deeds would earn for him heavenly pleasures, which last only for a limited duration, after which he has to return to Earth to assume the form of a human being or even that of lower beings. In order to escape from this bondage of transmigration, he has to get rid of the delusory notion of his doership and discover and abide in his true self, which is all-pervasive and changeless. The doership is not his intrinsic characteristic and is assumed under the spell of ignorance. Hence this worrisome mantle drops away at the dawn of knowledge regarding his true nature.