Kadividya is a potent meditation practice involving Goddess Lalitha Tripurasundari, a beneficent form of Goddess Durga, through a mantra (chant) commencing with the letter ‘Ka.’ It is also called mahavidya (the great art). This mediatory chant is in 15 syllables, i.e., pancadasa aksari. The rishi (seer) of the mantra is Dakshinamurti.
According to Tantra Shastra, the invocation and meditation of the Goddess, continuous chanting of the mantra, will lead to self realization. The kadi vidya mantra, which is in three parts, reads
Ha – sa – ka – la – hrim
Sa – ka – la – hrim
“O Mother: Have mercy to remove the curtain of desires and attachment that hangs between me and Brahman.”
“O Mother: Give me that wisdom and intelligence which would make me realize Brahman.”
“O Mother: Bless me with the control of my senses and grant me the realization of Brahman.”
The three sections of the mantra are called kutas, known, respectively, as vagbhava kuta, kamaraja kuta and sakti kuta.
The characteristic personification of Goddess Lalita in mantra has been indicated in Lalita Sahasranama Stotra (II.34-36):
Kanthadhahakatiparyanta madhyakuta swarupini
Shakti kutnikatapannakatyadhobhagarupini
Molamantratmika Mulakutatraya Kalevara
Thus, the lotus-like face of the Goddess forms the vagbhava kuta, the body from the nect to the waist forms the madhyakuta and portion below forms sakti kuta. The whole bodily frame of the goddess thus represents the full mantra.