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Japa Diksha In Hinduism – Initiation With A Suitable Mantra

Japa Diksha in Hinduism is an initiation into a kind of discipline or method of practices. Diksha was, until recently, one of the most widespread practices prevalent among traditional Hindus. It was given by a senior member of the family or by the family priest. Each deity had several mantras with which it could be worshipped by doing japa, and a suitable mantra from among them was chosen by an aspirant by the person giving Japa Diksha.

In Agam Rahasya (IV:39), one’s own mother is said to be the best person from whom to take diksha.

In tantra, diksha is said to be an event of utmost importance. In Rudrayamala (III.12), Shiva tell Goddess Parvati that “a student without initiation cannot attain the final goal of liberation. Hence one must find a guru and receive initiation from him”.

 It is said in Agamarahasya (IV:10) that japa (repetition of words) and tapa (austere observances) are wholly dependent on diksha.

Yogini Tantra explains diksha (VI – 172) as “that which gives liberating knowledge and loosens the bondage of ignorance”.

Thus, Diksha of ancient times was equivalent to the admission of a child of our times into a good professional school.

It is said in Mahanirvana Tantra (III:145-147) that any person who has mastered a mantra can give japa diksha of that mantra to a deserving disciple.

There are higher and lower forms of initiation. Gautamiya Tantra (V – 15-17) mentions the qualities of a deserving disciple for japa diksha, and the procedure of mantra diksha is described in Kramadipika (IV – 80-81). Higher forms of diksha are called abhisheka. They are described in Tantra Rahasya in detail.