Chamba district and Pangi in particular, in Himachal Pradesh, is known for its fountain stones, almost as sacred as Hindu temples. Often elaborately carved and dedicated to Varuna, the Hindu god of water, seas, rivers and oceans. They are also erected in memory of the dead; many of the stones are dated – thus providing invaluable clues to historians.
Dhadya, near the Padar border, has a quaintly carved fountain stone. It is decorated with numerous images, including Ganesha, Varuna, a horseman, birds, snakes and animals – and is among the region’s most well preserved fountain stones.
Situated about 11 kms from Sach village in the ‘romantic Sechu glen’ is the region’s largest found stone, measuring 2X2.2 m. Its three rows of carvings depict various gods, including Shiva, Varuna, Indra, Ganesha (seated uncharacteristically, on a lion), Skanda, Vishnu and several river goddesses, including Ganga, Yamuna, Jhelum and Indus (Sindhu).