Atham Nakshatra 2022 predictions are based on Malayalam Nakshatram or birth star Kerala astrology. January, April and September 2022 are good months. March, June, October and December 2022 are both good and bad. February, May, July, August and November 2022 are bad months. Atham Nakshatra pada 1 born Kanni Rashi kooru people will face problems at workplace and in business. Atham Nakshatra pada 2 Kanni Rashi kooru born people will be lucky in wealth related matters. You will get costly gifts. Atham Nakshatra pada 3 Kanya Rashi kooru born will be lucky in romance matters. You will have a new relationship. Atham nakshatra pada 4 Kanni kooru born will see change of fortune in job and career matters.
Opportunity to perform exceedingly well in career but sadly you might miss it. Avoid taking shortcuts and bribe, as it will be exposed. You will take up studies for progressing in career. You will face stiff opposition from seniors or management. You might resign from present job and take a new one. Those looking for a job after studies might not be happy with those on offer. Unhappy with performance in tests and interviews. Those who are self employed or doing freelancing will have a good year. Those associated with painting will have a good year.
Gains from property deals. Sudden expenditure or stoppage of regular income. Loans will be delayed. Renovation plans will be delayed. Relief in legal matters. Bad luck in lottery, games, gambling and stocks.
This year nearest and dearest might find fault in you. You will participate in public activities. A secret that you have been hiding from family will be caught. Bad friendship will cause trouble – legal and bad reputation. Avoid difference of opinion in family. Keen interest in intoxicating materials like alcohol or drugs. Fights with public or neighbors. Will not be satisfied with results after all the hard work you have done. Small fights with spouse should not get out of hand. Romance related matters will cause lack of mental peace. Interest in spiritual and religious matters. Your secrets will be made public by someone you trusted. This year you will realize who your true friends are. Your pride will be hurt. For mental peace you will start learning scriptures. Will strive for an independent life.
Opportunity for foreign travel. Travels will be successful.
Relief from an old health issue. Health will be fine.
Sportsmen and artists will be happy with performance. Actors will get good opportunity.
Business people will have a tough year.
Students will strive hard for making progress and will be successful.
Marriage will be decided and held.