Anizham Nakshatra 2022 predictions are based on Malayalam Nakshatram or birth star Kerala astrology. March, April, June, August and December 2022 are good months for Anizham nakshatra. January, February, September and November 2022 are bad months. May, July and October 2022 will see both good and bad.
Anizham Nakshatra pada 1 born Vrischika Rashi kooru people will get new job or will see improvement in career matters. Anizham Nakshatra pada 2 Vrischika kooru born will face animal poison and skin problems. Anizham Nakshatra pada 3 Vrischika Rashi kooru born will face unexpected problems in bank or other financial matters. Anuradha nakshatra pada 4 Vrischika kooru born people lose money in stocks or gambling.
Promotion and increase in salary. You will be able to successfully convey your thoughts or prove your ideas. New position and extra responsibility. Several good opportunity for those looking for a new job after studies. Gains in career through dedication and by gathering new knowledge. You will have to learn new methods for career progress. Name and fame for artists and freelancers.
You will invest in new home or vehicle. Some of you will sell a property and buy new one. Renovation will be taken up. Old things will be discarded and will be replaced with new items. Luck in lottery, games and stocks. Success in chit fund. Some damage to vehicles. Farmers might face damage especially loss of livestock.
There will be auspicious occasions in the family. Trouble or accidents during picnic or leisure trips. Applications and other such matters will be met with success. Loss of valuables or documents. Success in exams and interviews. Jealous people might cause harm to your personal life. Avoiding anger will be a great help in family life. Stop listening to gossips. Sensitive matters should be handled intelligently and patiently. Think before you act. You will get opportunity to spend time with people you like. Bad dreams. Unwanted worry and fear of future. Theft of valuables. You will show more enthusiasm – lethargy and laziness will be dropped. New position in society or family. You will make new friends. Get-togethers. You will meet old friends or relatives. Success in debates.
Marriage talks will be unsuccessful for some. Those looking for remarriage will get positive response. Sudden marriage for some. Opportunity to travel to distant locations.
Travels will tiresome and without much success.
Business people will have a progressive year. You will overcome competition. New partnerships.
Health trouble from animals or birds. You will drop old medical treatment and will attempt for a new method and this will give relief to the health issue.