Pandit Lakshmi Chand was a great poet of Haryanvi dialect of India. He was born in 1903 CE in Jatti Village (district Sonepat, Haryana) in a Gaur Brahmin family. The ragini style of Haryana, initiated by Heeradas Udasi, developed by Pandit Deep Chand, reached its apogee with Pandit Lakshmi Chand.
At the age of nine, he came in contact with Deep Chand, Nihal, and Shri Chand, who were the prominent Sanga (a traditional Haryanavi folk dance drama) artists. Consequently, he was inspired to become a Sangi (Sanga artist) himself and he accepted Guru Man Singhji as his preceptor. Later on, he joined Mahatma Teeka Ramji, a great scholar of the Vedas. This association proved a turning point in the life of Lakshmi Chand. It is noteworthy that Chand wrote 21 types of Sangas and composed 200 loka dhunas.
Lakshmi Chand drew upon the religious texts heavily for his sangas. He deftly wove various aspects of Haryanavi culture, philosophy and spirituality, the concepts of punarjanma (rebirth) and karma (action) in his sangas.
Among his numerous Sangas, Padmavat, Shahi Lakkarhara, Chander Haas, Meera Bai, Satyavan Savitri, Harish Chander, Seth Tara Chand, Heer Ranjha and Jaani Chor are of great interest even to this day. Inspired by Mahatma Teekaram, Pandit Lakshmi Chand established a Sanskrit school (pathashala) at Khatkar village (district Sonepat), which now, in a new location, bears his name.