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Dreaming Of Abortion – Meaning – Dream Of Abortion While Pregnant

Dreaming of abortion while being pregnant is a bad dream as per dream interpretation and meaning. Dream of abortion even without being pregnant means you will face difficult situations in near future especially sudden reversal in career.

If you are late into pregnancy and dreaming of abortion means you will need to be extra careful about all your day today activities.

The dream also means you might go into labor early or give birth earlier than the expected date or month.

Please note that quite often the dream is the result of lot of negative thinking. Such dreams have no real meaning. You need to remain positive through this period and avoid all kinds of negative news. A dream has only meaning when it happens naturally without any influence of day time activities. 

If you dream of abortion when you are not pregnant it means you will be forced to abandon a pet project. You might be cheated by someone you trusted.

It is also sometimes a warning regarding health issues related to reproductive system. 

The dream also means breaking of things you value most. It also means trust deficit. You need to be careful about all financial and property dealings after a dream of abortion without being pregnant. You should not stand as surety for any financial dealings.

Here’s a comprehensive look at the potential meanings behind dreaming of abortion, especially if you are pregnant.

General Interpretation

  1. Fear and Anxiety: Dreaming about abortion often symbolizes fear and anxiety. It can reflect the dreamer's concerns about a significant change or the end of something important in their life.

  2. Guilt and Regret: Such dreams can indicate feelings of guilt or regret, possibly related to a decision the dreamer has made or is contemplating.

  3. Control and Powerlessness: Dreams of abortion may signify a feeling of losing control over an aspect of one's life. It can also indicate feelings of powerlessness in making critical life decisions.

Dreaming of Abortion While Pregnant

  1. Pregnancy-related Anxiety: For pregnant women, dreaming of abortion often highlights common fears associated with pregnancy, such as concerns about the baby's health, the birthing process, and the responsibilities of parenthood.

  2. Fear of Loss: These dreams can manifest the fear of losing the pregnancy or not being able to carry the pregnancy to term.

  3. Unresolved Issues: It may indicate unresolved issues or conflicting emotions about the pregnancy itself, whether they are concerns about readiness for motherhood or worries about the changes a new baby will bring.

  4. Symbolic of New Beginnings: Sometimes, abortion dreams can symbolize the termination of a new beginning or project in the dreamer's life. For a pregnant woman, this can be particularly poignant as it contrasts with the creation of new life happening within her.

Psychological Perspectives

  1. Subconscious Processing: From a psychological standpoint, dreaming of abortion may be the subconscious mind's way of processing complex emotions and situations related to the dreamer's current life events.

  2. Conflict Resolution: It might reflect internal conflicts that need resolution. For instance, the dreamer may be grappling with conflicting feelings about motherhood, career changes, or personal identity shifts.

Cultural and Personal Context

  1. Cultural Beliefs: The cultural background of the dreamer can significantly influence the interpretation. In some cultures, abortion is heavily stigmatized, which can add layers of guilt and fear to the dream's meaning.

  2. Personal Experiences: Personal history with pregnancy, abortion, and related experiences will shape the dream's interpretation. For someone who has had an abortion in the past, such dreams may bring up old emotions and unresolved feelings.

Coping and Reflection

  1. Self-reflection: It’s essential for the dreamer to reflect on their current life situation and emotional state. Understanding the underlying fears and anxieties can help in interpreting the dream more accurately.

  2. Seeking Support: Talking about the dream with a trusted friend, partner, or therapist can provide valuable insights and emotional support.

  3. Journaling: Keeping a dream journal can help track recurring themes and patterns, offering deeper understanding over time.