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Panangode Udayamarthandeswaram Shiva Temple – History

Panangode Udayamarthandeswaram Shiva temple is located at Panangodu near Venganoor in Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala. The temple is dedicated to Shiva and lies on the southern banks of Vellayani kayal.

The darshanam of Udayamarthandeswaram Shiva temple is towards east. Ganapathi is worshipped in the kannimoola and in the same direction Brahmarakshas is also worshipped. Other upa devatas include Nagaraja and Nagakanya.

The main festival observed in the temple is Mahashivratri.

As per history, Marthandavarma hid in the temple while escaping from ettuveetil pillamar who were attempting to kill him. Later when Marthandavarma became the king, he named the temple as Udayamarthandeswaram.