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Dreaming Of Yellow Snake – Meaning

Dreaming of yellow snake is considered both good and bad as per dream meaning and interpretation. Simply dreaming of yellow snake means there will happiness and optimism. There will be positive results in life soon.

Dreaming of yellow snake moving in tree means you will show creativity in solving life issues. You might turn spiritual.

Seeing yellow snake attacking you means you disrupt your life through ego and your uncontrollable temper. Do not show madness and anger. Stay cool. This dream is a warning to avoid certain things in future.

Dream of yellow snake attacking another animal means you will be betrayed by someone who you had trusted. It means you will act like a coward too.

Dreaming of several yellow snakes together is a caution and it means physical illness.

Dreaming of yellow snake moving in your body means you will need to wisdom and intelligence to overcome a problem that will be soon coming your way. It also means you need to show tons of patience.

Dreaming of yellow snake changing color means you will see change of luck in money and relationship matters.