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Special Holi Dress - Besha Of Jagannath In Puri Temple Odisha

The special dress or besha worn for holi festival by Jagannath in Puri temple, Odisha, is known as Chacheri Besha. The dress is worn from the 10th day of the bright fortnight of Phalguna to the full moon day except the 14th day. This is starting five days before the holi festival (March) in Odisha.

The dresses during the occasion are bright in colors.

According to the age old tradition prevailing all over India, people play with colored powder (Phagu) and smear colors on friends and relatives. Shree Jagannath is the best representative of the people and He is also shown as sharing the experiences of the people by playing with rosy red powder (known as Phagu/Abira).