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Dreaming Of Traveling In Train – Meaning – Dream Of Train

There are many people who dream of traveling in train. As per dream interpretation and meaning, dreaming of train is a positive dream. Traveling is associated with progress. It also indicates escape from the current situation.

Simply dreaming of train means you will be escaping from a current situation. It also might suggest that instead of facing the problem you might be running away from them. And it might be a good option at this point of time. You should take time away from problems so that you can find the solution.

Dreaming of you sitting and traveling in a train is associated with progress, change of luck and achievements through due to hard work. It means journey to a distant location for job etc.

Dreaming of train accidents and you in it means you will soon face financial problems. It also indicates accident in a public transport.

Dreaming of train coming to a stop means you will see change of luck.

Please note that a dream to have a meaning it should happen naturally. Not after talking or thinking intensely about driving or watching something related to train during day time or just before going to sleep.