The Dhammapada is an anthology of passages from the Buddhist canon, embodying the spirit of Buddha's teaching. The selections are from Dr. Radhakrishnan's translation of the Pali original.
Like a well-trained horse when touched by a whip, be strenuous and swift and you will, by faith, by virtue, by energy, by meditation, by discernment of the law, put aside this great sorrow (of earthly existence ), endowed with knowledge and (good) behaviour and mindfulness. (X.16)
The self is the lord of self; who else could be the lord? With self well subdued a man finds a lord who is difficult to obtain. (XII.4)
By oneself, indeed, is evil done; by oneself is one injured. By oneself is evil left undone; by oneself is one purified. Purity and impurity belong to oneself. No one purifies another. (XII.9)
Look upon the world as a bubble: look upon it as a mirage. Him who looks thus upon the world the king of death does not see. (XIII.4)
He who formerly was thoughtless and afterwards became reflective (sober) lights up this world like the moon when freed from a cloud. (XIII.6)
Even the gods emulate those wise men who are given to meditation, who delight in the peace of emancipation (from desire) the enlightened, the thoughtful. (XIV.3)
There is no satisfaction of one's passions even by a shower of gold pieces. He who knows that ‘passions are of small enjoyment and productive of pain’ is a wise man. (XIV.8)
Even in celestial pleasures he finds no delight. The disciple who is fully awakened delights only in the destruction of all desires. (XIV.9)
Men driven by fear go to many a refuge, to mountains, and to forests, to sacred trees, and shrines. (XIV.10)
Let us live happily then, hating none in the midst of men who hate. Let us dwell free from hate among men who hate. (XV.l)
There is no fire like passion, no ill like hatred, there is n o sorrow like this physical existence (individuality), there is no happiness higher than tranquillity. (XV.6)
Health is the greatest of gifts, contentment is the greatest wealth; trust is the best of relationships. Nirvana is the highest happiness. (XV.8)
Therefore, do not take a liking to anything. There are no bonds for him who has neither likes nor dislikes. (XVI.3)
Let a man put away anger, let him renounce pride. Let him get beyond all worldly attachments; no sufferings befall him who is not attached to name and form (phenomena l existence) , who calls nothing his own. (XVII.1)