Chandrashekhar temple is located around 15 kms from Chamba town in Saho village in Himachal Pradesh. The temple dedicated to Bhagavan Vishnu is small but beautiful and ancient. The temple has Bhagavan Vishnu in his Vaikuntha form, which was particularly popular throughout the former state of Chamba till the 19th century CE.
The murti is the Anantashayana form of Vishnu – Lakshmi rises from beneath his feet, while Brahma and Shiva flank the sides of the murti.
The halo of Vishnu is pasted with sand from the Ganga River.
Smaller murtis in the temple is dedicated to the ten avatars of Vishnu.
One of the most beautiful rides out of Chamba town is to the village of Saho. The gently winding road follows a sparkling, shallow stream of water, it banks lined with orchards and flowers. A narrow path in Saho village leads through wheat fields to the temple compound.