Waist band, also known as Kardhani, is an ornament worn only
during marriage or during important functions by Hindu women. It is not an
essential ornament in Hindu religion. It is also associated with menstrual
cycle of women.
The ornament is worn on the waist by women. It is usually
made of gold. Some Hindu women in south India used to wear it regularly
like other ornaments. But today it is confined to important functions. It is
now mainly worn by the bride on marriage day.
It is believed that gold waist band or Kardhani helps in
controlling menstrual cramps. It is also believed in helping in having a smooth
menstrual cycle. Indirectly it is related to conception – to help the women in
conceiving easily.
Very rarely silver waist bands were used in ancient times.
It is believed that it helped in controlling belly fat. It was also used after
pregnancy to keep the stomach tight.
Warrior women are believed to have hid swords in the form of
waist band.