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Wisdom Nuggets on Mental Health

Depression is part of bad mental health. It is caused by fear of future, over ambitiousness or hanging on to past. Only solution to this is to realize that nothing is permanent. Life is a continuous process. Everything changes. Let go, be flexible and accept changes for overcoming depression.

Comparison is a great evil that we nurture. Life becomes miserable due to this. This disturbs mental peace. Realize that someone will always be better. We should learn from them and enjoy their success.

When we transform our minds, we overcome disturbing emotions and we achieve inner peace. This will usher in positive changes and mental attitude. Our responses to people and incidents will also become positive.

Do not get bogged down by sufferings. Do not get defeated by mental scars. Study the lives of great men and women, and we will realize that they defeated these sufferings to achieve success.
