Thayankavu Sastha temple is located at Choondal in Thrissur district, Kerala. The annual festival in Thayankavu Sastha temple begins on Uthram nakshatra with kodiyettam and ends with arattu on moolam nakshatram.
The ritual of Thiruvonam Oottu (feast) conducted in the month of Thulam (mid-October – mid-November) is an important function here.
Sastha in the temple is worshipped along with Prabha and Sathyaka. The murti is swayambhu (not man made) and faces east.
The Upa Devatas worshipped in the temple are Ganapathy, Bhagavathi, Shiva, Ayyappan and Ovil Ittiashan. The belief is that Ittiashan who was famous for treating diseases affecting children took refuge in the temple after his death. The Shiva worshipped in the temple belonged to Puttur Moosath. When the temple got destroyed the Shivling was consecrated here.
This is one among the 108 Sastha temples in Kerala. Sheeveli is performed in the temple.
Another important aspect of the temple is that komaram or velichappadu (oracle) of the temple never wears chilambu (an ankle ornament) or the aramani (a waist ornament). Instead, he holds pattu and churika (a knife-like weapon).