Pakkil Sree Dharmasastha Temple is located around 7 km from Kottayam Railway Station. The 10-day annual festival in the temple is observed with Arattu on Uthram nakshatra in Meenam month. Another important festival is the Sankranti Vanibham held on the first day of Karkidakam month or Ramayana masam (July 16, 2025).
The main murti worshipped in the temple is Sastha and faces east. The vigraham is in sitting padmasana posture. The Upa Devatas worshipped in the temple are Malanadu Bhagavathy and Nagarajavu.
Pakkil Sree Dharmasastha Temple History
As per history, Pakkil Dharmasastha is the paradevata of Thekkumkoor kings. At first it was a small temple. The current temple was constructed by Thekkumkoor kings. The Kalari students of Thekkumkoor used to make their first performance in the temple. The group who were initiated in the temple in Kalari were known as Pakkil Pada.
Pakkil Vanibham
It is believed that the first prathishta in the temple was done by Parashurama. But the Prathishta was not cemented properly and later Pakhanar of Parayi Petta Panthirukulam of made the Prathishta immovable or fixed it properly.
In memory of this event, the famous Pakkil Vanibham or Samkrama Vanibham is held. This is observed on the Sankranti day in Karkidakam month (July 16 or July 17). Many traditional items are brought here for sale on the day. Kutta, Muram, Vatti etc are sold here. It is believed that Pakkanar visits the temple on the day. It is said that in ancient times households in villages in and around Pakkil use to set their worn out utensils, brooms, and mats on fire and purchased new ones from the Pakkil Vanibham.
The Alangad Erumeli Petta Sangham is given reception in the temple.