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Darshan Of Feet Of Lord Krishna Only Akshaya Tritiya Day In Banke Bihari Temple

Hundreds of devotees throng the Banke Bihari Mandir in Vrindavan in Uttar Pradesh on Akshaya Tritiya day to have the very rare darshan of the feet of child Krishna. The feet of Lord Krishna is shown to the world only Akshaya Tritiya day. In 2025, Akshaya Tritiya is on April 30.

Akshaya Tritiya, known as Akha Teej, is the third day of the lunar fortnight of Vaishakh, which is considered one of the most sacred days of the year.

The belief is that having darshan of the feet and worshipping Lord Krishna will always rich (spiritually). All the wishes come true and get prosperity. All the good work done today in the name of devotion will not go in vain and one will definitely achieve something