Varalakshmi Vratham, or Varamahalakshmi Vratha, is performed during the last Friday during the Shukla Paksha in Tamil Aadi month or Shravan month in Telugu and Kannada calendars. There is a doubt regarding the Varalakshmi puja – can the lady travel on same day after performing Varalakshmi Vratham?
The belief is that once the puja has been completed and the deity has been satisfied, then the individual can move on with his or her grahasta life or family life.
Once the puja has been performed completely, then the lady can travel after Varalakshmi Vratham. She should complete the fasting, if undertaken, too in prescribed time. She should also appoint someone to neatly discard all the puja items.
Make sure that you only eat vegetarian food for the entire tithi or the day of Varalakshmi puja.