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Mataji Vanamali Teachings And Quotes

A collection of teachings and quotes of Mataji Vanamali.

Is there no hope for the individual? Can he never escape from the cage he is in? Hinduism says that the only escape is to free ourselves from the constraints of the body-mind-intellect cage in which we all live. Then enter the realm of the Atman, which alone can be said to be free from all constraints.

The enlightened soul alone can be said to have free will for he is not being imposed by an external agent but only by the freedom of his own soul.

Like the child reveling on the beach, playing with sand, making castles which will be swept away by the sea, the liberated soul is bound by nothing.

He takes orders only from the Divine within him and none will dare to question him.


Hinduism says that the only escape ... to be free from all constraints.

Hinduism teaches that ultimate liberation, or moksha, involves transcending the limitations of the body, mind, and intellect to realize one's true self, often referred to as the Atman. The concept of Atman is central to Hindu philosophy and is often described as the eternal, unchanging essence of an individual that is distinct from the transient physical body and the fluctuating mind and intellect.

According to Hindu teachings, the human experience is characterized by cycles of birth, death, and rebirth (samsara), driven by the law of karma - the principle that one's actions have consequences that affect future experiences. The cycle of samsara is marked by suffering (dukkha), which arises from attachment (to desires, possessions, relationships, etc.) and ignorance (avidya) of one's true nature.

Moksha is seen as the liberation from this cycle of samsara and the cessation of suffering. It involves realizing the true nature of the self (Atman) as identical to the ultimate reality (Brahman), which is often described as pure consciousness, infinite, and beyond all limitations.

Various paths (margas) are prescribed in Hinduism to attain moksha, including:

Karma Yoga: The path of selfless action, where individuals perform their duties without attachment to the fruits of their actions, thereby purifying their minds and reducing the accumulation of karma.

Bhakti Yoga: The path of devotion, where individuals cultivate love, devotion, and surrender to a chosen deity or form of the divine, ultimately merging with the object of devotion.

Jnana Yoga: The path of knowledge, where individuals engage in self-inquiry and philosophical contemplation to understand the nature of reality and the self, leading to the realization of one's true nature as the Atman.

Raja Yoga: The path of meditation and mental discipline, as outlined in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, where individuals use various techniques such as concentration, meditation, and breath control to still the mind and directly experience the true nature of reality.

While these paths may appear distinct, they are often practiced in combination, and different individuals may be inclined towards different paths based on their temperament and stage of spiritual evolution.

Ultimately, the goal of Hindu spirituality is to realize the inherent divinity within oneself and to experience union (yoga) with the ultimate reality, transcending the limitations of the body, mind, and intellect to attain eternal freedom and bliss.