Kanda Kurumba Kavu temple, also known as Kandakurumbankavu, is located at Ezhava Thuruthil on the Ponnani – Edappal road in Malappuram district. Makara Chowa festival is an important event here. Kandakurumbakkavu temple annual festival is held in Meenam month. It is a 10-day festival and is known as Poonani pooram and Thalappoli festival. Thula Sankramana puja is another important festival here.
During the Makara Chowa festival in January, Kalakali, Thira and Pootan are observed. During the 12-day Meenam month festival there is the famous Pavakoothu thalappoli.
The temple is dedicated to Goddess Bhadrakali. The main murti in the sanctum sanctorum is Kannadi Shila Pratishta = mirror type. It is believed that the Goddess worshipped here is the sister of Kodungallur Bhagavathy. There is no upa devata in the temple. Th
e temples Bhadra Kulangara Bhagavathi and Thoniyaparambu Bhagavathy on the banks of Bharathapuzha river are considered to be the sister of Kanda Kurumba Kavu Bhagavathy.
The temple belongs to Thirumalasheri Namboothiri.
The annual pratishta festival in the temple is held in Malayalam Mithuna Masam (June - July).