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Banana - Plantain Plant In Hindu Pujas And Worship - Importance - Reason For Use

Kadali, or Banana, is a fruit widely used in Hindu pujas and worship. In Hinduism, Kadali is called the ‘fruit of paradise.’ Importance of Banana stems from the fact that it is used as an offering to Gods especially to Hanuman and Ganesha. The whole plantain plant is considered auspicious in Hindu religion and is used as whole and in part in various pujas, rituals and auspicious functions like marriage, house warming etc.

Importance Of Banana And Plantain Plant In Hindu Pujas And Worship

Leaves of Banana have been used in religious ceremonies from ancient times.

According to the epic Ramayana, Hanuman lived in a Kadalivanam, banana forest.

In Bengal, Banana plant is an important item during the Durga Puja rituals. Banana tree is the medium used to carry the pran of Goddess Durga on Saptami day. The ritual is known as Bodhan ritual.

Kadali or Banana symbolizes female beauty, prosperity and fertility. Therefore it is used to adorn the doorsteps when important pujas are held.

Offerings to deities: Bananas are commonly offered to Hindu deities during prayers and rituals. They are considered pure and are favored as offerings due to their natural sweetness and nutritional value. Devotees offer bananas as a symbol of devotion and as a way to seek the blessings of the gods.

Use in religious ceremonies: Bananas are often used in religious ceremonies, especially during pujas (ritualistic worship). The fruit is offered along with other items like flowers, incense, and sweets. In some rituals, bananas are offered as a representation of the devotee's humility and gratitude towards the divine. The plant is used during Durga Puja, Lakshmi Puja, Satyanarayana Puja, and is an important offering during Ganesha and Hanuman Puja. It is used in rituals at the time of birth and death.

Symbolism of fertility and prosperity: In Hinduism, bananas are associated with fertility and prosperity. The plant is known for its ability to bear fruit abundantly, symbolizing the abundance and blessings that devotees seek from the divine. The fruit is given to couple at marriage ceremony as a symbol of fertility so that they beget numerous offsprings. The banana plant is also considered auspicious and is associated with various Hindu deities. In some regions marriages are held under banana tree due to its association with fertility.

Association with Lord Vishnu: In certain Hindu traditions, the banana plant is associated with Lord Vishnu. It is believed that Lord Vishnu resides in the banana groves. Therefore, planting banana trees is considered highly auspicious, especially in regions where Vishnu worship is prevalent.

Banana Tree in Hindu Scriptures: In Hindu scriptures, there are stories and legends that highlight the significance of the banana plant. For example, it is said that the banana tree originated from the drops of nectar that fell during the churning of the ocean (Samudra Manthan). The tree is considered a celestial plant with divine qualities.

Use in Wedding Ceremonies: Banana trees and their parts are often used in Hindu weddings. The banana leaves, in particular, are used as a symbol of purity and are laid out to create a ceremonial space. The banana plant is also considered a witness to the marriage ceremony.

Harmonizing Energies: In Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian system of architecture, the banana plant is believed to have the ability to harmonize the energies around it. Planting banana trees around the house is thought to bring positive vibrations and fertility.

Eco-friendly Disposal of Plant Parts: In Hindu rituals, especially after pujas and ceremonies, the banana plant is preferred for disposal of plant parts. The biodegradable nature of banana leaves and stems aligns with the eco-friendly practices encouraged in Hindu traditions.

Mention in scriptures: The plant is mentioned in all Hindu scriptures including various Puranas and the Epics, bananas are often associated with positive qualities and are considered a wholesome and nutritious fruit. In some regional traditions, there are references to specific deities enjoying or favoring bananas. The plant is believed to be an incarnation of both Goddess Parvati and Goddess Lakshmi. Vishnu Puranas states – as the bark and leaves of the plantain are to be seen its stem, so art thou the stem of universe and all things are visible in you. She is incarnation of Mother Goddess Parvati (nature or prakriti) as plantain fertilizes itself without cross-pollination. The image of Goddess Nanda Devi is carved on plantain trunk especially in regions where She is widely worshipped like Uttarakhand. Every part of India has a story associated with banana connecting it to fertility or auspiciousness.

Traditional practices and customs: In many Hindu households, bananas are included in various traditional practices and customs. For example, bananas may be part of the items offered to guests during religious ceremonies or social events, signifying hospitality and auspiciousness. The leaves of the plant are considered sacred for various religious purposes. The entire plant is erected during various ceremonies especially during marriage to symbolize fertility and plenty. The fruit is widely offered in almost all Hindu temples.

Use in fasting rituals: During Hindu fasting rituals or vrats, devotees often consume fruits, including bananas, as part of their diet. Bananas are easy to digest and provide a quick source of energy, making them suitable for those observing fasting practices.

It's important to note that the significance of bananas in Hinduism can vary across different regions and communities, and the interpretations may differ based on local customs and traditions. The use of bananas in Hindu rituals is deeply rooted in cultural practices and religious symbolism.