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Uprightness – Arjava In Hinduism Teachings

Uprightness helps us manifest our divine qualities. The Bhagavad Gita describes arjava, or uprightness, as a sign of Knowledge (13.7) and as a divine quality (16.1). Sri Shankara explains arjava as simplicity or the absence of crookedness. True simplicity means ensuring that our words tally with our thought. 

And Sri Ramakrishna considered this quality essential for success in spiritual life: "There is a sect of Vaishnavas known as the Ghoshpara who describe God as the 'Sahaja', the 'Simple One'. They say further that a man cannot recognize this 'Simple One' unless he too is simple." Sri Ramanuja explains arjava as a uniform disposition towards others in mind, speech and body. Perfect alignment in thought, word and deed constitutes true simplicity.

Sant Dnyaneshwar gives the following meanings for arjava: Favoring all equally without likes or dislikes: This amounts to loving all equally.

Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi taught a little girl how to do that: "Do not demand anything of those you love. If you make demands, some will give you more and some less. In that case you will love more those who give you more and less those who give you less. Thus your love will not be the same for all. You will not be able to love all impartially."

Sourcenotes taken from divine qualities - teachings by Swami Yuktatmananda