Daivajna is a person who is well versed in Hindu astrology and all the predictions made by such a person would come true. Here are some of the important qualifications of a good Hindu astrologer. A daivajna must know the ten kinds of motions of the planets, have knowledge of the horas and must be an expert in the five siddhantas (traditions). He must have been initiated into a suitable mantra by a preceptor.
Varahamihira (6th century CE) in his Brihat Samhita describes the qualifications of a good astrologer. He should be an adept in astrology as well as astronomy, Vedas and the mantra shastras. He must be a man of character, be religious, righteous and must have obtained siddhi (success) of certain secret mantras which would confer on him “the uncanny power of making correction predictions.” Also, he should have an agreeable appearance, humility and clean habits. He should be well versed in rituals and expiatory ceremonies. He must have faith in God, be helpful by nature with a capacity to solve problems independently.
Adherence to some types of austerity would enable him to develop the power of intuition considerably. One should get initiation into an appropriate mantra from a qualified guru (preceptor or teacher), at an auspicious moment, and propitiate appropriately and adequately the mantra devata (deity of the mantra).
An astrologer should be master of ten calculations – Kali day, mean positions of planets, true positions of planets, solar eclipses, lunar eclipses, planetary fights or antagonisms, lunar conjunctions, heliacal risings, heliacal settings and planetary conjunctions with constellations.
He should also know the five siddhantas – Brahma, Surya, Vasistha, Romaka and Paulisa, the most accurate among these being Surya Siddhanta. He must also rely on such texts as Brihat Jataka, Krisniya, Phaladeepika and Dasadhyayi.
An astrologer should get up early in the morning pray to the family deity, finish his morning (daily) routines, perform mantra japa. He must worship the deities, study the planetary positions with the help of an almanac, and remain calm and without anxieties. No predictions should be made unasked for, or to one who wishes to test an astrologer. Only humble requests deserve an answer.
There are various planetary dispositions in one’s horoscopes which make one an eminent astrologer.
Mercury is said to be the karaka (significator) of astrology, according to texts like Brihat Parasara, Hora Shastra, Satya Jathakam, Saravali and Phaladeepika. Varahamihira in his Brihat Jataka mentions the presence of the sun in Gemini or the moon in Leo, aspected by Mercury, as conditions for one becoming an astrologer. Mercury in the Kendra (center), with a strongly located Venus or Saturn, would make a person proficient in astrology. Some regard Rahu also as a karaka of astrology. Among the houses, mainly the eighth and the twelfth which bear an esoteric significance are considered to be connected with astrology. The second house and its Lord are also held to be connected with predictive astrology.
Source -
- Notes taken from Encyclopedia of Hinduism Volume III C-D - Rupa IHRF page 265 - 266.
- Astrology of Professions, Principles and Practices (2008) K K Pathak - Alpha Publications New Delhi